New Book Trailer for The Black Harvest
I'm excited to announce the new book trailer for The Black Harvest: A Novel of the American Civil War, due out in July with the...
First Blurb for my latest Novel THIS VALE OF TEARS
I'm so thankful to the brilliant Karen Bender for lending the following blurb to my latest novel THIS VALE OF TEARS, out in October with...
Cover Reveal for The Black Harvest: A Novel of the American Civil War Forthcoming May 15, 2021!
Here's the cover real for The Black Harvest! It's forthcoming from THE UNIVERSITY OF WEST ALABAMA'S LIVINGSTON PRESS!
Tom Abrams Blurb for The Black Harvest
I couldn't be more thrilled with the latest blurb for my novel The Black Harvest: A Novel of the American Civil War due out in May 2021:...
25 October 2020 My sincere thanks to Madison Smartt Bell for his very generous blurb of my forthcoming novel (2021) THE BLACK HARVEST....
Latest Publication News
My latest news is to announce that my novel THIS VALE OF TEARS has been accepted for publication by Cowboy Jamboree Press. This will be...
News: The Black Harvest and Blurb
A few months back the University of West Alabama's Livingston Press gave me a contract for my new novel THE BLACK HARVEST I'm very...
I'll Still Be Here Long After You're Gone: Stories: Reviewed in the Columbia Tribune
Checkout the review by Columbia Tribune's Aarik Danielsen.
Book News
Great news! My Civil War novel THE BLACK HARVEST is under contract with the University of West Alabama's Livingston Press, forthcoming 2021!
New Story Published in Bull Men's Fiction in February 2020 called "The G. I. Joe Christmas!